Monday, December 31, 2007

2007 - Just About Over

It's evening and in just a bit over 4 hours, it will no longer be the year 2007. Father Time will have passed and birth will be given to the Baby New Year.

I'm here at my computer, spending some time, waiting for some friends. We don't go out ... we stay home (in this case, my house this year) and actually celebrate "our Christmas" together. It's an evening of fellowship and of fun with snacks and presents and more snacks. Sometimes we play a game, sometimes we watch a movie. What is important is that it is friends, relaxing and welcoming the New Year and all it's possibilities together.

However, before we do that ... I wanted to spend a moment and give thanks for the year that has just gone past. Seems it had barely begun before it is now over. I know that I did a "Thanks" blog back at Thanksgiving. Everything there still holds true. The holidays are like that for me ... I continually find myself giving thanks for the blessings of the year. Somehow, I don't feel that's a bad thing.

It was a year of ups and downs, but then ... I guess ... most years are like that. I understand the fact that if you don't have the downs, you can't truly appreciate the ups. So, I suppose in that light, I am thankful for the downs.

I began the year with new acquaintances ... a virtual world had opened up to me that I had never experienced. I'm happy to say that many of those aquaintances are now dear friends and I can't imagine a week going by without a conversation or "talk" with each one of them.

Throughout the year there were many times to share with family ... phone calls, emails, instant messages, and visits. Family is wonderful - the joys of happy times are even more appreciated and the lows of sorrows, pains, or heartaches are supported and comforted.

Ending the year with a car accident gives a person a new perspective on a lot of things, the least of which is facing the loss of a car who was more like an old friend. Yet, my little old car took me on a trip this last summer ... my first ever true vacation ... a week that was spent traveling from Tulsa to Austin to Ft. Worth and back home. My little old car took me there in safety. I did what I wanted, when I wanted with no real time expectations, except for two important things - the wedding of a special young friend and a play starring a special young actor. It was a wonderful time spent with my brother, spent with old friends, spent meeting a new friend, and spent wandering the roads with my little old trusty car. She and I had a great time and if this had to be her last year, then it was a good one.

Work was busy - busier than times past and sometimes rather chaotic, but ... you know ... I'd rather face the chaos of a work day than the uncertainty of being without a job and not knowing how to pay the next bill or rent.

This year included finding the joy of writing. Although I had begun towards the end of 2006, it was this last year that gave me a true sense of joy and I found a passion fulfilled in the act of putting thoughts to words and printing those words for others to read. The fact that others enjoyed reading what I had written gave me extreme happiness.

So ... as I get ready for friends to come and share my evening ... I give thanks for the blessings of 2007. For the ups and for the downs, the happy times and the sad moments.

And I look forward ... in just a bit over four hours it will be 2008.

2007 will be the past.

And as I have said before ... past is past. It is over. It is done with.

Time to move forward.

I can't wait!


InkyOrchid said...

It was quite the year. I have loved (and lived for) every wonderful moment on Getting to know you and all the SnObs this year has been wonderful.

Anonymous said...

they really did a buffy musical? *still scratching head, perplexed*

kooshie is not, i'm telling you, is NOT a sucker for cheesy musical soundtracks. rocky horror doesn't count. nor cabaret. or, um, phantom of the opera.... grease was/is like coming of age thing. and surely wicked can't count. anomolous. but, um, the sound of music.... *facepalms to hide uncontrollable blushes*

love & light & blessings to you & the girlies... k.

Anonymous said...

oh man... and then there was my fair lady but it was vinyl and i was like 3, okay?! ]:)