Yep. Holes.
What kind of holes, you might ask? (and even if you don't)
Well ... I can tell you that I'm not thinking of the holes in the ozone right now, I've only had my one cup of tea yet this morning and right now it's easier to contemplate the holes in my Rice Krispies and what about them makes that inviting little "Snap" "Crackle" and "Pop".
I would give thought to those black holes in space, however I'm still trying to figure out how cyberspace opened a hole and swallowed the last three pages of my DaLDoM blog I have been suffering through for the last month when all I did was click the "Save" button on Microsoft Word. (If anyone has a number for Bill Gates ... I'd like to give him a "word")
No ... I'm not thinking deep philosophical thoughts ...
I'm not wondering about the fact that kids of all ages find a donut hole much more fun to eat than a regular donut.
I'm really not thinking about golfers and their intense passion to find that elusive "hole in one". (Although I was thinking of a particular friend this morning who truly does love the game of golf and hope she's doing alright ... "Hi Friend!" *waves*)
I'm actually not even giving a moment to thinking about that mysterious hole in the bottom of my lip that only opens when I am eating red sauce pasta and wearing a white shirt.
It's a bit more basic than that ... I'm folding laundry and I'm thinking about the holes I have found in clothing. You see, I just plucked from the basket this pink t-shirt with a daisy on the front. It's a nightshirt that was originally a regular shirt of my oldest girlie and passed to the twinks when they were smaller to be used as a nightshirt. It's been a favorite ... there was a struggle to have the oldest relinquish it even though it had grown entirely too small to wear (yes I know ... shirts don't grow, children do ... *sigh* ... work with me here ... it's early) and then when it was passed to the twinks, there occurred regular arguments between The Bickersons on whose turn it was to wear it. At one point the disagreements grew so large, we had to keep a chart of who wore it and when.
Needless to say ... it is one of those loved items. It is also an item that could be worn on Sunday, it is so holey. :-) Seriously.
When my girlie came out, dressed for bedtime, wearing this faded (yet still incredibly bright pink) shirt last weekend, I had to do a double-take and contemplate how best to retire said shirt. I had already fought the battle of the beloved Pinnochio shirt that was barely being held together at the top by the rim, one sleeve hanging down - anchored only by the stiches of thread under the arm. The hem had been ripped and a hole had emerged around the belly button area that a knee could easily fit through from underneath. In comparison, with three worn tears across the left side of the chest and three fingersized holes at the base near the non-existent hem, the pink daisy shirt seems to be all in one solid piece. I realized that retirement is still several wearings & washings & dryings & foldings away for this article of nightshirt bliss.
I'm not sure what it is about these holey t-shirts that makes them so comfortable and sought after to be worn. Yet, if I look in my own closet ... there is a purple and black flannel shirt that has been stitched back together so many times that I'm not exactly sure where the original thread stops and the new thread begins. With a hole in the side, and one at the cuff ... it is not a shirt that sees the public light of day. Yet on a cold, rainy Saturday, combined with a pair of grey sweats (or red and blue plaid flannels, whichever is handiest) it is my favorite thing to wear.
I don't know the reason, and at this point in the morning, I don't believe I really care. It was just something that struck my mind and gave me a thought to think for a moment.
Besides, here's the real conundrum ... why is it I just folded and put away 3 t-shirts with the size of holes that another arm or head could be inserted in my girlies jammie drawer and yet I threw away 1 sock because it had a hole about the size of my pinkie in it?
Oh ... and why would this have anything to do with Supernatural, besides the fact that I wrote this on a Thursday morning?
Well ... I am a true obsessive and I can turn just about anything around to reflect my favorite show and the Winchesterboys. Afterall, as any fan can tell you ...
"Driver picks the music ... shotgun shuts his pieHOLE"
Let's hear it for boys in holey clothes!!!
What do you know - it is Supernatural Thursday. Golf had me sidetracked for a moment. ;)
Hey friend!! *waves back* I'm doing alright. Very busy nowadays, hardly have time to sit and blog/e-mail most times. Need to work on my priorities. Right now, I'm gonna head out of town again for the weekend, but I promise to send something your way soon!
'Til then...
Hahaha... I'd almost forgotten about this one. Funny I didn't leave any muddy prints on it. Was curious about "black holes" because I was earlier reading about how scientists are (potentially) going to be making them with some new multi-billion dollar particle accelorator they got going on along the French/Swiss border. It said that it'll take like three months or so for the thing to power up fully? HOLY crap! Wouldn't it be cool if they actually did manage to replicate the big bang??? *thinks for a second* HOLY crap! humans are crazy...
Thanks for the pretty pictures. I've been admiring holes for a couple of weeks now. :D
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I apologise, but, in my opinion, you are mistaken. I can prove it. Write to me in PM, we will talk.
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